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Boswellia Frereana
Plant Part:
Extraction Method: Steam Distillation, Wild grown
Origin:  Somalia
Description: The Frankincense tree originates from the Middle East and is small with abundant pinnacle leaves. The flowers are white or pale pink.
Common Uses: The therapeutic properties of Frankincense oil include use as an antiseptic, astringent, carminative, digestive, diuretic, sedative, tonic and expectorant.
History: Also, known as Olibanum, Frankincense was used by the ancient Egyptians as an offering to the gods and biblically the Three Wise Men carried across the desert to give to the Baby Jesus. 
Cautions:  Frankincense oil is non-toxic and non-irritant and could be used by most people.

Frankincense, Frereana 5 ml



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