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Natural First Aid for the Home! Part 1

These oils are derived from the pure distillation methods used for thousands of years to extract the therapeutic constituents of various plants, herbs, bushes, grasses and trees and fruits. The end result is a little bit of heaven, whether you use it as a mind or mood enhancer, or for headaches, insect bites, and chronic illness. The list of benefits and ways to use the oils is perhaps endless. I will discuss basic oils I prefer not be without and how you can use them in your home. If you are looking for a “no side effects” from your home remedies, then this will help.

Lavender (Lavendula Augustifolia or l. officinales) please ensure the oil you buy states the full Latin name or you may be purchasing a product that has been adulterated. This oil is not only a faint memory of your grandmother but is perhaps the most versatile essential oil on the market. Most of the quality Lavender oil is produced in France and Bulgaria and is also noted as being one the two essential oils that can be applied neat meaning no dilution so it can be directly applied to the skin without a carrier.

Headaches/Migraines: Apply 1 drop neat to both temples and the base of your skull

Surprising to note if a headache is not stress related or from the barometric changes like during a Chinook, it can be digestive related.

Burns or Cuts: Apply 2−3 drops neat to either as soon as incident has occurred and 2−3 times daily till the wound has healed. In the case of sunburn I combine the lavender with aloe vera gel − 5 drops Lavender to every 30 mls of aloe vera gel and apply 2−3 times daily.

TGIF Stressed Out: Run a bath and just as the tub is full add 15 drops Lavender to a 2 tbsp. natural bath gel base or to 2 cups Epsom salts and stir together then pour into running bath just before you enter the tub.

Insomnia: Apply 5 drops on a cotton pad and insert inside your pillowcase or use an aromatherapy ring, which is attached to your bedside lamp allow 10 minutes for the aroma to permeate the room prior to retiring.

Nightmares: add 3−5 drops Lavender to a tbsp. of massage oil (grape seed, olive) begin to rub onto the feet of your child then the chest or back and in no time your child will quieten and feel safe again. (for children under 5 then decrease the drops to 2−3 drops of essential oil to tbsp. of oil).

Bruises: Apply neat to area 2−3 drops then disperse with gentle strokes leading away from the bruised area use this 2 times per day until bruise dissipates.

Bee Stings remove the stinger with tweezers not your fingers then add one tsp. of baking soda (as the bee sting is acidic in nature) then add 1 drop of Lavender or Chamomile to 1 tbsp. of water and mix, then apply directly to the bite area.

Wasp Stings: very different from a bee sting as the venom is alkaline in nature use cider vinegar, which can neutralize the poison. Use 2 tsp. of cider vinegar and one drop Lavender or Tea Tree (for the prevention of infection). Apply as needed 2−3 times daily.

Insect Repellent: (beat the deet) 120 mls spray bottle add 20 drops Lavender and 10−20 drops of Eucalyptus or Tea Tree or equal amounts of both and top off with distilled water. **Please note if you “go bush” then “go vegetarian” as that will help to decrease bug attraction.

As with all recommendations if there is an allergic reaction to an insect bite, do not hesitate in taking the person for emergency medical attention.

Lavender has no known contraindications and blends well with other oils especially citrus oils, cedar wood, geranium, clary sage, cypress, frankincense, juniper, neroli, rose and pine. Enjoy!!!

Peppermint (Mentha Piperita) is produced in the USA, France, Australia, India and England mostly. This oil when applied topically should always be diluted in a carrier but is safe to be inhaled right from the bottle.

Study Buddy: Place a few drops on a tissue or cotton pad and sniff periodically or diffuse during study time. This will help keep you focused and when its exam time just bring a cotton pad with Peppermint and sniff during the exam when you get stuck on a question.

Headaches: Mix with oil like fractionated coconut in a 30ml plastic bottle ratio 10−15 drops Peppermint to 30 ml of oil. Apply at both temples and base of neck as needed. Or use in a perfume Roller applicator.

Digestive Aid: Same as above for headaches use the blended oil for digestive issues apply directly over the stomach area when experiencing gas, or upset stomach, excessive belching, For nausea and travel sickness just inhale directly from the bottle.

Muscle Pain/Stiffness: In a 60ml plastic bottle with flip top lid add to that 15 drops Lavender and 10 drops Peppermint top off with massage oil and apply to area.

Peppermint is not recommended for children under 3 years old or in combination with homeopathic remedies.


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